We are Building a Pathway from Prison to Tech

What We Do
Unloop provides a pathway to a career in software development for people marginalized by a conviction.
Why Does It Matter?
The U.S. incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world, disproportionately black, brown, and low-income people.
650K people are released from prison in the United States each year.
A person without living wage work is significantly more likely to return to prison as someone who has it
2 out of every 3 people will be re-arrested within 3 years of release from prison.
What People Are Saying
“Before Unloop I felt like a never had direction. Didn’t really know what I wanted to be. Web Development was something I thought was intriguing but thought I would never have the skills to learn. Working with Unloop has taught me the essential skills to create dynamic websites. All of the staff have been very supportive not only in providing the resources to effectively learn how to code but they were also there for in my re-entry process into society. This helped me create a new identity for myself. One in which I am forever grateful. Thank you to the Unloop staff for all that they you have done. This wouldn’t be possible without you. I am currently an intern at a tech consulting firm.”
– Unloop Student
Partners & Supporters
The pipeline from prison to tech relies on the support of leading technology companies and educational institutions. Curious about partnering with Unloop?